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Selling Your House Directly To We Buy Houses County Wide vs. Hiring a San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate Agent

Selling your house in San Francisco Bay Area? With over 40 years of real estate experience, the team at We Buy Houses County Wide can help you handle any difficult property or situation. While a traditional listing is a great option for some homeowners, others need a fast solution that provides immediate help for their situation. If you are dealing with foreclosure, title problems, an inherited home, or a hoarding situation, it’s important to compare your options before deciding how to sell. Take a look at the table below for more…

 Hiring a San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate AgentSelling Your House to We Buy Houses County Wide
Commissions / Fees:Up to 6%, paid by you, the sellerNone
Who Pays Closing Costs?2% on average is paid by you, the sellerWe pay all costs.
Inspection & Financing Contingency*:Yes, sales can fall through.None needed
Appraisal Needed:Yes, the sale is often subject to appraisal.No, we make cash offers.
Number of Showings:It Depends1 (Just Us)
Closing Date:30-60+/- days after accepting the buyer’s offerThe date of YOUR CHOICE.
Who Pays For Repairs?Negotiated during the inspection periodWe pay for all repairs.
*An inspection contingency lets the buyer have time to do an inspection and back out of the sale or negotiate a new price if there are repairs that need to be done. If you can’t come to an agreement with the buyer, the buyer has the right to back out of the sale. Similarly, a financing contingency gives the buyer the wiggle room to back out of the purchase if they can’t obtain a loan or if the home doesn’t appraise for the value that the bank needs to close the loan.

Here at We Buy Houses County Wide, we don’t use bank financing so you don’t have to worry about our ability to close on a deal.

Selling Your House Has Never Been Easier

When you call We Buy Houses County Wide, we’ll help you analyze your property and situation so that you can make the decisions that are best for your property. Our varied real estate experience allows us to help you look at the situation from many angles, oftentimes finding solutions you may not have considered.

Take a look at a few of the benefits selling your house directly can offer…

A Fast Closing Can Save You Money

With a fast sale to We Buy Houses County Wide, you will be able to end your holding costs almost immediately. A listing can take months which equates to thousands in utility bills, insurance premiums, mortgage payments, maintenance costs, and tax obligations. You can save a lot of money by selling to We Buy Houses County Wide

There Are No Repairs Required

With a direct sale, you will not have to clean, repair, or upgrade a thing! In addition, you won’t have to deal with property showings, open houses, and strangers in your home.

There Are No Commissions or Closing Costs to Factor In

When you sell your house without an agent and to a direct buyer, you will not have to pay any agent commissions. In addition, We Buy Houses County Wide will handle any closing costs associated with the sale. We will make you an offer without any hidden costs, fees, or surprises.

Find Out if Selling Your House Directly is Right for You!

Fill out the form below or give us a call at (925) 587-9740. We are happy to answer all of your selling questions while helping you to compare your options.

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